The Valley County Health System Foundation (VCHSF) recently launched a $1.5 million fundraising project in the fall of 2021 for a new MRI in the Imaging department at Valley County Health System (VCHS), and they are pleased to announce a naming opportunity for the MRI Suite. (Details can be found here.) “Our hospital board of trustees, as well as Foundation board, is committed to community healthcare and the need to replace and update our MRI in the imaging suite shows how important this piece of equipment is within our hospital and region,” Becky Ries, Executive Director of the VCHSF, said. “To continue to build for the future of patient care at VCHS, we must continue to improve and make updates in patient care areas, such as imaging,” Ries explained. Ries went on to say that the VCHSF was asked by the hospital board and administration to take on a fundraising project to help fund the MRI need. VCHS does not receive county tax funds to assist in any equipment or updates needed within the hospital facilities or to help run the day-to-day operations of the hospital. Ries noted that imaging services are “a key component to providing primary care and taking care of our patients”. “This community-wide fundraising effort will only be successful if we all consider the value of healthcare in our rural community,” Ries shared. The Foundation’s board of directors first discussed their efforts in the fall of 2021, and shared it publicly in a year-end appeal to Foundation donors. "We are excited to announce that we are opening up a naming opportunity for the MRI Suite as a special way the Foundation and VCHS can recognize the generosity of our donors for this project,” Ries said. Naming opportunities are a unique way to create a legacy for yourself, to honor a loved one, or to build awareness for your company/organization’s community support. This would be a co-naming opportunity, as we have already received a generous donation of $500,000 toward the project (more information will be released soon). MRI Suite $500,000 (AVAILABLE) MRI Suite $500,000 (Reserved-Donation received) “We are excited and humbled to have the commitment of funds already received toward our $1.5 million goal,” Ries said. “Our community members are extremely receptive to our goals, and they understand the importance of VCHS services to our rural communities.” “I know there are many people that have a passion for our hospital,” Ries said, “And they have different levels of ability to support this project. This naming opportunity is something extra special that we hope someone will partner with us on, as one of the $500,000 opportunities.” “Every dollar that’s given is an investment in our county, the hospital and the people of this area,” Ries said. “Every dollar given stays here to benefit our community, and we hope people can connect with that purpose.” Nancy Glaubke, VCHS CEO, commended the Foundation on their efforts to continue to improve the hospital equipment and services. “This project demonstrates our commitment to patients and to the staff that care for our patients,” she said. Glaubke noted that a larger and more advanced MRI will allow VCHS to offer the best care to their patients, and will be an asset to the region. “Greater efficiency will in turn create a better overall patient experience,” she said. “Many donors like to honor or memorialize a loved one with a donation,” Ries explained. “The naming opportunity, as well as all giving toward this project, allows individuals, families or businesses to also connect with this important project in a significant and lasting way if they would choose.” For additional information about donating to the project, the naming opportunity, or other questions, contact Ries at 308-728-3011 or [email protected].